關於 YamaGuest

Yamaguest 品牌風格屬於urban outdoor style 創辦人是一群喜愛戶外露營活動及同時對戶外露營美學有獨特見解的年輕人。

『Yamaguest,是一間精工於urban outdoor style風格的服裝品牌。』 "Yama - 山 (やま)" 簡而精是指山,丘的意思;"Guest - (ゲスト)"是指客人,來賓的意思,置身於大自然當中你將成為一名山客 Yamaguest 品牌風格屬於urban outdoor style 創辦人是一群喜愛戶外露營活動及同時對戶外露營美學有獨特見解的年輕人。 同時身為時裝設計師兼露營愛好者,漸漸發現市場上缺乏衣服種類是針對戶外露營活動而設計的,此外有很多運動休閒服裝亦缺乏平衡當下時尚性及美學角度。 打造專屬Yamaguest 風格,以時裝設計出發,主要融合戶外運動露營元素,解決露營時或活動時的不便,及便利人們可享受其中,亦能自由地在城市中遊走。 本品牌設計理念貫穿時尚性,功能性及美學性三大方面,品牌設計亦特別注重人性化,以用家的角度去,設計一件合適戶外及城市中穿搭的衣服,以活出及穿出屬於自己的個人風格。 Yamaguest 品牌冀望以樹立香港及亞洲地區的山系文化及穿搭,打造一系列適合遊走戶外及城市的服裝。
"Yamaguest is a clothing brand that is crafted in urban outdoor style. " "Yama - 山 (やま)" concisely means mountain, hill; "Guest - (ゲスト)" means guest, you will become a guest when you are in nature, or mountain. " Yamaguest style " which belongs to urban outdoor style. The founders are a group of young people who love outdoor camping activities and have unique views on the aesthetics of outdoor camping. We aim to thought our outfit design to slove out your problem. At the same time, as a fashion designer and a camping enthusiast, we gradually found that there is a lack of clothing types on the market that are designed for outdoor camping activities. In addition, there are many sports and leisure clothing that also lack the balance between current fashion and aesthetics. By creating an exclusive Yamaguest style, starting from fashion design, mainly integrating for outdoor sports camping elements, solving the inconvenience during camping or activities, and making it convenient for people to enjoy it and to roam freely in the city. The design concept of this brand runs through the three major aspects of fashion, functionality and aesthetics. The brand design also pays special attention to humanization. From the perspective of the user, we design a suit that is suitable for outdoor and urban wear, so as to live and wear Come out with your own personal style. The Yamaguest brand hopes to establish a camping urban fashion style and wear in Hong Kong and Asia, creating a series of clothing suitable for outdoor and urban travel.